My long time buddy and legendary captain of the Atlantis and Mucho-K Jamie Owens wanted to take his girls for their first mahis ever. We cruised out on a beautiful light southeast wind and found an incredible tree branch floating. … Read More

5 year old Lorenzo got his first Tarpon today with his dad. He also caught Snook and Peacock Bass and jumped off a couple more Tarps. #MAGICCITYSLAM For a 5 year old is an amazing thing to watch! #GOHARDFISHING #miami #charterfishing #miamisluckiestcharterboat #GOHARDINTHEPAINT #lighttackle @starbrite_com @captharrysfishingsupply
5 year old Lorenzo got his first Tarpon today with his dad. He also caught Snook and Peacock Bass and jumped off a couple more Tarps. #MAGICCITYSLAM For a 5 year old is an amazing thing to watch! #GOHARDFISHING #miami … Read More

#MAGICCITYSLAM for Lainie, and a Magic City Slam for Hudson this morning aboard my skiff! They came down from North Carolina and had a blast catching their’ first 4 Tarpon, their’ first 2 Snook, A few Peacock Bass, a 15 lb Jack Crevalle and a Largemouth Bass. Thank you so both much for an action-packed memorable morning fishing with 8 lb spin tackle, and thank you @reeldealadventures for the referral. #GOHARDFISHING #miami #charterfishing #itryreallyhard #miamisluckiestcharterboat #lighttackle @starbrite_com @costasunglasses @pennfishing #GOHARDINTHEPAINT
#MAGICCITYSLAM for Lainie, and a Magic City Slam for Hudson this morning aboard my skiff! They came down from North Carolina and had a blast catching their’ first 4 Tarpon, their’ first 2 Snook, A few Peacock Bass, a 15 … Read More

Nice half day on the reef for the repeat-boys from Wisconsin. They wanted bent rods and “rod in hand fishin” and they got it done all morning. #GOHARDFISHING #CRACKERSAMICHES #miamisluckiestcharterboat #miamibeach #charterfishing #hauloverinlet #lighttackle #rodinhand #itryhard #SNAPPAS @starbrite_com @pennfishing @captharrysfishingsupply
Nice half day on the reef for the repeat-boys from Wisconsin. They wanted bent rods and “rod in hand fishin” and they got it done all morning. #GOHARDFISHING #CRACKERSAMICHES #miamisluckiestcharterboat #miamibeach #charterfishing #hauloverinlet #lighttackle #rodinhand #itryhard #SNAPPAS @starbrite_com @pennfishing @captharrysfishingsupply

Tarpon, Seatrout, Grouper, Snapper, Shark and a few more critters made for a heck of a memorable graduation trip today for the local squad of groms. Thank you Louisa and all the mommas for sending your boys out with me. #GOHARDFISHING #miamisluckiestcharterboat #miamibeach #charterfishing #INSHORE #LIGHTTACKLE #INSHOREGUIDE #GOHARDINTHEPAINT YOU BOYS DID GREAT WORK today @_they.luvj_ @jongourrier @mathias_campbell_12 @javierrodriguez4337
Tarpon, Seatrout, Grouper, Snapper, Shark and a few more critters made for a heck of a memorable graduation trip today for the local squad of groms. Thank you Louisa and all the mommas for sending your boys out with me. … Read More

Some new species and good laughs today for Mike and His boy Charlie. #GOHARDFISHING #miami #charterfishing #lighttackle @starbrite_com @pennfishing
Some new species and good laughs today for Mike and His boy Charlie. #GOHARDFISHING #miami #charterfishing #lighttackle @starbrite_com @pennfishing

I took Adam, his Dad, his niece and nephew out this morning. Luckily Adam is a big shot accountant because he needed to keep count of our Mangrove Snappers. They had an awesome morning bending 10 lb spinning rods and in the end they had a nice pile of Snapper Nuggets for a family fish-fry. #GOHARDFISHING #MANGOS #miami #charterfishing #lighttackle @starbrite_com @pennfishing @captharrysfishingsupply
I took Adam, his Dad, his niece and nephew out this morning. Luckily Adam is a big shot accountant because he needed to keep count of our Mangrove Snappers. They had an awesome morning bending 10 lb spinning rods and … Read More

Chris and Cynthia came to Miami for a nice vacation and some snappers. They limited out on the Mangroves plus an Amberjack and a Cero Mackeral but only 1 of the Yellowtails on the reef felt like biting today. Great time with great people! Thank you @_wtfont and @fishcoolrunnings for the referral. #GOHARDFISHING #miamibeach #charterfishing #lighttackle #youactuallyfishonyourown #butistillbaityourhook @starbrite_com @captharrysfishingsupply @pennfishing @hookerelectricreels
Chris and Cynthia came to Miami for a nice vacation and some snappers. They limited out on the Mangroves plus an Amberjack and a Cero Mackeral but only 1 of the Yellowtails on the reef felt like biting today. Great … Read More