Tarpon, Seatrout, Grouper, Snapper, Shark and a few more critters made for a heck of a memorable graduation trip today for the local squad of groms. Thank you Louisa and all the mommas for sending your boys out with me. #GOHARDFISHING #miamisluckiestcharterboat #miamibeach #charterfishing #INSHORE #LIGHTTACKLE #INSHOREGUIDE #GOHARDINTHEPAINT YOU BOYS DID GREAT WORK today @_they.luvj_ @jongourrier @mathias_campbell_12 @javierrodriguez4337
Tarpon, Seatrout, Grouper, Snapper, Shark and a few more critters made for a heck of a memorable graduation trip today for the local squad of groms. Thank you Louisa and all the mommas for sending your boys out with me. #GOHARDFISHING #miamisluckiestcharterboat #miamibeach #charterfishing #INSHORE #LIGHTTACKLE #INSHOREGUIDE #GOHARDINTHEPAINT YOU BOYS DID GREAT WORK today @_they.luvj_ @jongourrier @mathias_campbell_12 @javierrodriguez4337

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